Celeste tries out her new Bionic Arm after recieving funding from Positive Bones!
We are so pleased to announce that one of our successful grant applicants and devoted mum, has now completed her goal of raising £11,000 to buy her Bionic Arm!

Celeste applied for funding for her bionic arm so that she could do more with her son and feel more confident in her day-to-day activities; when we emailed Celeste to inform her that her grant had been approved she expressed how she was “…truly over the moon!! This has helped me so much towards my goal and I'll be forever grateful to your charity for helping me accomplish my dream!!”. Providing funding for amputees and those with limb difference to purchase specialist equipment, services or prosthetics is the main charitable aim of Positive Bones, we love supporting people as they become empowered in independence and we are so glad we could support Celeste with funding.
In an interview with Staffordshire Live, Celeste shared why she wanted the hero arm; "I want to get the Hero Arm because it's more of a confidence and self-image thing that I want solving, as I've always struggled with confidence issues as a teenager and in adulthood because of it. I also want to do more things that I wouldn't normally or couldn't do. The prosthetics in the past that I have had have been uncomfortable and frankly just made me feel worse. Plus the fact that they looked awful, they were always really heavy and just made me limit myself to what I could do, whereas with this Hero Arm it should be a completely different experience. It's a weird one because yes, you can tell that it is different, but with it people are more asking questions and come across actually interested about it rather than being sympathetic and almost judging you. And that is something that I'm sure will also help my confidence.”
Celeste bought her bionic arm in July and you can watch her try out the arm in the video below. When she had received all the fundng she needed Celeste shared these words on her Social Media:
I can't believe I'm saying this after 12 weeks!! Thank you so so so so so much honestly from the bottom of my heart, every single one of you who's helped, supported, liked, shared, donated. I seriously couldn't thank you all enough, it would never be enough to truly express my appreciation!! It was a big ask and you came through and helped me so much.
Family, friends, old friends I haven't spoken to in years, friends of friends, strangers, charities, the people who know of me... you're all truly amazing and really have helped make (sic) one of my dreams come true and helped give me a life changing opportunity I've waited over half my life for!! It's been a really (sic) humbling experience and has (sic) shown me alot and the kindness that shines through people to help is just truly wonderful. THANK YOUUUUU!!!
I've tried to thank everyone I could when sharing but it doesn't always show so just know I am very thankful.
A massive massive thank you to all the donations from…
•Positive Bones
• Open Bionics Foundation
• Douglas Bader Foundation
- Celeste Burton
We think her words say enough and we so are pleased to have been part of her journey to becoming bionic!
A video showing Celeste, a women partially missing her right arm, trying a new bionic arm prosthesis. She smiles at the camera as she moves the fingers using the Myo-electric technology.