Your application is subject to the following terms and conditions:
Key Definitions for reading this information
‘Limb Disability’ is a term we use at Positive Bones to refer to those who have limb related disabilities or those whos disability affects the function of their limbs, this includes people with congenital limb difference and/or those with limb loss (amputees).
‘Grant’ A full or partial payment made by Positive Bones directly to a specialist equipment/service/prosthetic supplier upon production of an invoice.
‘Grant Limit’ the yearly limit applied to how much we can offer each individual application. This year’s limit is detailed on the apply page of our website (link here) and the application form.
‘Specialist’ A service/piece of equipment/prosthetic not immediately (within 8 weeks) available on the NHS.
By submitting an application to Positive Bones, you are confirming your understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions.
The arrangements relating to your service/equipment/prosthetic remain between you and your service/equipment/prosthetic providers. If your provider(s) has/have terms and conditions that apply to you and your specialist service/equipment/prosthetic, it is your responsibility to read any such terms and conditions before you purchase the specialist service/equipment/prosthetic sought in this application.
Positive Bones does not actually provide, and it is not responsible for the outcome of or suitability of, your specialist service/equipment/prosthetic. Positive Bones will not be liable to you for any loss, damage or injury that you may suffer during the purchase of or in relation to the use of your specialist service/equipment/prosthetic.
Please note, that it is your responsibility to decide whether the proposed specialist service/equipment/prosthetic is suitable for you and your limb disability however this must be confirmed by your healthcare professional, see information on the required evidence for your application via this link.
Applications are subject to a grant limit as detailed on the application form. This is subject to change at the discretion of the Positive Bones trustees and is based on income data and funding policy. Data regarding our financial spends is included in our yearly financial report.
Your application will be automatically rejected if;
You do not have a letter from a recognised medical professional providing evidence of your limb disability.
Your limb disability is a result of an accident for which you have already received funds from an insurance company or are currently undergoing due process.
Your requested item is not ‘specialist’ and is therefore available on the NHS (see key definitions)
You have already purchased the specialist equipment/service/prosthetic for which you are applying for a grant for.
You have already received a grant for this specialist equipment/service/prosthetic from Positive Bones or any other grant services (charitable or otherwise).
You do not provide all the information and data as requested in the application form.
You do not provide an invoice/Catalogue/weblink as evidence of the cost of the item and address for purchase.
You are an army veteren, this is because there are a number of charities that support veterans with limb related injury. If you would like further details on this please email
We do not have enough funding at the time to support your application.
You are requesting funding for specialist equipment/service/prosthetic costing more than the application grant limit (this is subject to change on a yearly basis) and have not raised the required 50% of the remaining required amount.
The application grant limit is £5000 and you are requesting funding for specialist equipment/service/prosthetic costing £6000. You must have raised already £500 of the remaining £1000 above the £5000.
Upon successful application;
Positive Bones will only pay funds directly to the supplier of your specialist equipment, service or prosthetic and not into any personally held bank accounts.
If your application is successful and we agree to provide a grant towards your specialist equipment/service/prosthetic this grant will only be paid within 6 months of the successful decision being made. At the end of this 6 month period, if you have not purchased your specialist equipment/service/prosthetic your application will be terminated and we will no longer provide the agreed grant.
Once we have approved your application for funding you cannot change the specialist equipment/service/prosthetic or specialist equipment/service/prosthetic provider. If you do wish to change, you will need to reapply, the outcome of which is not guaranteed.
GDPR - Your personal information
Your details will be held on our database in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. Your data will only be used to assess your eligibility for potential grant funding, by means of contact throughout the application process, as data for our internal applications records and to ensure no repeat applications.
As part of your application, Positive Bones may contact your medical care team to discuss details of your medical condition and your requested grant for specialist equipment/service/prosthetic relating to your limb disability. By submitting an application to Positive Bones, you provide permission for us to contact said medical care team to confirm the details on your application only. Details of your medical condition will be stored on the Positive Bones database and will be used to assess your application and purchase your specialist equipment/service/prosthetic.
We may also use your personal data to produce reports of charity activity, including creating accounts of provided grants, sometimes using third party organisations to analyse data and compile reports. No individual information will be identifiable in any published reports.
If your application has been supported in any way by a third party (e.g. another charity or organisation has sent you our application form), then we may pass on information about your grant to them.
We may also contact you by post or email after the purchase of your specialist equipment/service/prosthetic to keep you informed of our work. By providing your contact details you are agreeing to us doing this. You can opt out of this contact at any time by filling out this form: Link Here.
Should you wish for us to send you any of your personal data we have stored, you can do so by filling out this form: Link here.
Should you wish for us to delete your personal data you can request this by filling out this form: Link Here.
GDPR - Medical Professional
If you are a medical professional who has provided evidence as part of an application; your details will be held on our database in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.
Positive Bones may contact you to discuss the application to help us verify all the medical information provided and/or the electronic signature provided (if applicable).
We may also contact you by post or email after application approval to keep you informed of our work. By providing your contact details you are agreeing to us doing this. You can opt out of this contact at any time by filling out this form: Link Here
Should you wish for us to send you any of your personal data we have stored, you can do so by filling out this form: Link here.
Should you wish for us to delete your personal data you can request this by filling out this form: Link Here.